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I do a Sketch a day and if you want, you can join in.

This was inspired by Blipfoto, where you put on a photo every day, so I thought I'd try making a website where you do a sketch a day. Or maybe a drawing a week. Or a painting a month, or whatever.

You can do drawings done on the computer/iPad/etc, or you can do 'normal' drawings.



How it works:

You either send me a photo of your drawing or post it on the forum, and I'll put it on the blog (no rude, nude or lewd please).  This website maker doesn't have a profile thingy, so this probably won't work if loads of people want to do this.

You don't have to do a drawing EVERY day. But I (hopefully) will.


Here's a bunch of drawings by me.

Because this website needs more images.

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